Netflix is ​​now streaming one of the best science fiction movies of the past decade

One of the best science fiction films of the past decade. Blade Runner 2049It is now streaming on Netflix. The film arrived on the streaming platform on Saturday. Directed by DuneDenis Villeneuve and written by Hampton Fancher and Michael Green, the 2017 film is a sequel to Ridley Scott’s 1982 masterpiece. Blade Runner. The film stars Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Ana de Armas, Sylvia Hawkes, Robin Wright, Mackenzie Davis, Carla Gore, Lenny James, Dave Bautista and Jared Leto. Ford reprized his role as Rick Deckard from Blade Runner for the sequel. Scott also returned as a producer on the film.

Blade Runner 2049 It follows Gosling’s K, a Nexus-9 repeater working for the Los Angeles Police Department as a blade runner – an officer who hunts and retires (aka kill) rogue replicas. However, during one of his missions, he discovers evidence of a replica that bore and gave birth to a child, which is presumably impossible. K ordered that the child be found and killed because his presence could upend society and civilization as they know it. Not only does K’s investigation lead him to question his existence, but it also leads him to a Ford Deckard.

Blade Runner 2049 The film opened in theaters in October 2017, and while the film performed poorly at the box office — grossing $259.3 million worldwide on a production budget of $150 to $185 million — the film was met with widespread acclaim that praised the film’s performance, direction, screenplay, and effects. Cinematography and devotion to Blade Runner. The film was also met with a positive response from audiences, despite a lackluster box office. The film was eventually nominated for five Academy Awards – Best Cinematography, Best Production Design, Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Mixing and Best Visual Effects. It won Best Visual Effects. And while the film was a disappointment at the box office and a follow-up is unlikely, Villeneuve said in 2020 he would be interested in returning to Blade Runner A franchise, albeit with a separate story for both Blade Runner And the Blade Runner 2049.

“It is an inspiring place, Blade Runner world,” Villeneuve said at the time. The problem I’m having is the word “complement”. I think cinema needs original stories. But if you ask me if I want to visit this universe in a different way, I can say yes. It should be a single project. Something separate from both other films. A detective noir story set in the future… I wake up sometimes at night dreaming about it.”

Blade Runner 2049 Streaming now on Netflix.

did you see Blade Runner 2049? What do you think of the movie? Let us know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter Tweet embed!



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